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Plaid with Sparkle!

by Adriel S

My Mood

Happy 2017 all! This is my very first blog post of the new year. I needed a vacation (and my younger brother was visiting) so I opted to take the first week off and relax. Rest is just as important as work! I am so excited to start the year with you. I really enjoy blogging about fashion – to me fashion is just wearable art and I love to surround myself with art! However, a girl cannot spend all of her money on art; it is important to make space for other things in my life. Thus, with the arrival of January comes the departure of, well, anything that just does not need to be in my space. I am not just referring to physical space, but also making space for enjoying relationships, emotions, and opportunities.

Now I am sure you (like me) have already read about 100 new years resolution articles or maybe 500 “clear the clutter” articles. So, this will not be a cliche article offering 5 ways to happiness or a skinnier you or whatever. In fact, I do not think most of those articles are even realistic. Most people simply cannot eliminate a “problem area” that they have held for years in the matter of a month. Instead, I think that by being intentional and breaking my problem areas into small goals I can tackle throughout the year, I will actually be successful in moving out the old (or just the bad) to make space for the new and good.  Thus, below is my tried and true method for breaking bad habits and clearing out “my space,” and with any luck, these will help you too:

First, I make a list of ten fun things I want to accomplish for the year. I am a visual, artistic person so, needless to say, my list is pretty. I firmly believe that Americans work way too hard and play way too little, so prioritizing fun goals is essential. Once the list is finished, I display it in my home where I will see it everyday. Thus, my fun goals are never too far out of sight.

Next, I make a second, more private, very specific list, of any relationship, spiritual or financial areas that I need to clean-up. For example, I list any new charities or initiatives I want to support, old friendships I need to eliminate, or savings goals for a fun trip.  I do not include anything general, such as, “save more, spend less.” Seriously, that is too fluffy for me and how exactly would I even track that? For me, at least, it is a lot harder for me to stick to something if I am not specific. I put everything on this list and then I sit it next to my bed so I can wake-up to it every single day. As the days go on, I add, remove and refine the items on the list.

Finally, once I have my specific goals in hand, I implement. Simply keeping my lists in a place where I see them each day substantially increases my likelihood of accomplishing the items because I cannot ignore them or run from them. However, since the items on the list usually require planning, I take some time to think about where I want to be in two months and then I plan backwards by setting deadlines from the two month period to present. I add action items to my calendar with the specific tasks I must accomplish in order to be the “me” I want in two months. And, of course, I grant myself a lot of mercy in the process. I recognize that I may not get to everything on the timetable that I have set for myself, however, I am working towards a goal and I will eventually achieve it. I also recognize that I might have slips and falls throughout the year, so I am willing to forgive myself and just keep putting one foot in front of the other.

Now, my plan makes use of my strengths and specifically challenges my weaknesses. So, when formulating your 2017 goals, I encourage you to create a plan for yourself that uses your strengths. We all learn differently so embrace that and do what works for you. Happy Tuesday my lovelies! xoxo

 My Style

The holidays may be over but plaid is still trending! When I saw this skirt on JCrew’s website (even though it’s sold out online, you can still find it in the sale section in the store) my initial thought was “ugh, that skirt is ugly.” However, when I saw this skirt in JCrew’s store, my first thought was “this skirt is amazing.” The skirt is taffeta and bouncy, which I enjoy. The skirt is a little longer in the back than it is in the front and I really like where it hits on my bum. I paired the skirt with the Tippi long sleeve sweater (also from JCrew), which is the perfect shade of deep red, and to incorporate a little pattern mixing, I added a navy and white polka dot button down from Uniqlo (similar style here). For a touch of glamour, I decided to rock my gold sequin Joan and David heels. The look probably perfectly personifies Christmas, however, I think I’ve mentioned more than once that Christmas is my favorite holiday. Furthermore, if I swapped the red sweater for another color, such as navy or white, it will work perfectly for the rest of the winter too!


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