Home » Fashion » Errands Dress

Errands Dress

by Adriel S

The Style

I purchased this dress from Nordstrom during the Anniversary Sale. It is currently one of my favorite items in my closet. While it worked great as a late summer item, it has also seamlessly transitioned from fall and even into winter. It’s made of a appropriately weighted knit fabric and I now pair it with a leather jacket and black boots as the weather turns.

The Mood

It can be easy to develop a wardrobe consisting too heavily of only one-type of item — too many suits or work clothes or too many tees and casual clothes. Creating balance in my wardrobe has always been something that I strive to achieve. As such, taking the time to invest in more casual pieces where I can let my style shine is really important to me. Take a moment to go through your closet, do your clothes generally fall into one or two categories? If so, maybe it’s time to add a little variety. Variety is still the spice of life!

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