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Five Steps to Help You Define or Refine Your New Year Style

by Adriel S

My Style

Considering this blog is about how you look and feel, I thought it was time to do a new post on helping you define your style. Style is something unique to each of us, so I strongly encourage you to define your style and ensure you are being authentically you. However, if you are still struggling to define or refine your personal style or if you have delayed reconsidering your style after experiencing updates in other areas of your life, then this post is intended for you!

1. Seek out inspiration

If you are having trouble defining your personal style or you simply have not re-evaluated your personal style within the past two years, I recommend you start by searching for outfits that inspire you. Get on Instagram, Pinterest or simply find a few websites that you like and start identifying the looks that you like. Make a note of the elements in each outfit that you are drawn to — are you attracted to the jewelry, the simple lines, the bold colors, the neutral colors? Just make a mental note of what you like about each look and why it inspires you.

2. Acknowledge any recent changes in your personal or professional life and incorporate those into your style

You also should be cognizant of changes in your personal or professional life that might need to influence your style. For example, I used to live in the suburbs in the Midwest and I drove every where — literally, nothing was within walking distance. Since I drove every day and also happen to be short, I basically wore high heels every day. All of my jeans were hemmed to be long enough to cover my heels and you would never catch me in a pair of sneakers. However, now I live in a major metropolitan city and use public transit nearly every day. I walk constantly so I have come to realize that maybe I can no longer wear high heels every day. In fact, I recently purchased my first pair of sneakers. Additionally, I recently started a new job and I quickly noticed that the entire company was much more casual than my previous employer. As a result, I have adjusted my style so that I am still professional but I am not grossly over-dressed. It is these types of changes that we all experience in life that you will influence our personal style.

3. Think about the life you would like to lead in the future and identify pieces that will last from now to then

I really think the “trendiness” of fashion can be daunting for some people. If you are trying to define or redefine your style, you might feel hesitant about stepping into a store and investing in an entirely new wardrobe because that will get expensive quick! However, if you take time to incorporate your “future you” into your current shopping trends, you will have pieces in your wardrobe that stand the test of time. As such, in addition to thinking about what your life is like now, take a moment to envision the future you desire. For example, are you vying for a promotion at work or are you looking to change jobs or industries? If so, then maybe you need to consider dressing for the job you want as opposed to the job you have now. Perhaps consider investing in one or two nicer fitting blazers or more tailored shirts. Maybe you should also invest in a nicer quality handbag or shoes. In lieu of spending your weekends running around town in skin tight yoga pants, find a pair of comfortable black pants that look more sophisticated. By beginning to incorporate an elevated viewpoint of yourself into your style now, you will be more prepared for your future.

And, just to note, you do not need to spend a fortune elevating your look. For example, you may see your future-self wandering the streets in a chic pair of $1,000 leather pants. However, if you only make a few thousand a month, that is not a wise use of your money. You can find high quality products, cut to fit you at reasonable prices at such stores as TJ Maxx, Zara, Marshalls, and even H&M. Just pay attention to fit and the details of each garment. If the buttons look cheap, that is usually an easy fix. Yet, if the zipper looks cheap, that is a harder fix. Even a bargain basement outfit will look good on you if it fits you properly.

4. Know what looks good on your body type

We are all made in different shapes and sizes. We are constantly bombarded with unrealistic imagery that says we need to be thinner, taller, and younger. It is truly exhausting and it is not productive. Our bodies are unique, we do not all look alike and there is nothing wrong with that. In fact, it is time we start embracing it. Size does not matter, fit matters. Thus, it is important that you dress for your body. For example, my hips are larger than my top. As a result, I have found a style of pants that does not emphasize my hips, and thus, I never have to experience any sort of dread when I reach into my closet for a pair of pants. If you need help figuring out what looks good on your body type, look for celebs that have a body shape similar to yours and notice what they wear. Also, just go to stores and experiment with different silhouettes to see what looks best on your body. Pay attention to whether your pants are too tight or your skirt is too short. If you are constantly tugging or adjusting your clothes, then your clothes do not fit your body and, thus, they do not fit your style. Pretty soon, you will begin to understand the trends and outfits that will not fit your style because you already know those trends or outfits will not look good on your body.

5. Ask yourself what you want to convey and how you want to feel

Finally, you need to think about what you want to convey with your style and how you want to feel when putting on your clothes each morning. No matter what we might say, the reality is that our society judges people based upon how they look. And, the clothing you wear when you step out of the door will attract or repel a certain caliber of person. So, you need to ask yourself what you want your style to convey about you. Do you want your style to convey that you are preppy? Do you want your style to convey that you are laid back? I realize these are generalizations, but it is something you need to think about. Your style should make you feel empowered and excited. It should make you want to hold your head up high each day. If you do not feel like a million bucks each day, then people will not treat you like a million bucks. Thus, it is important to convey to the world that you take a certain amount of pride in yourself and, it is even more important that you believe that about yourself. You are awesome and your style should incorporate that. So, ensure your style incorporates your cool/happy/quirky personality. I mean, think about it this way; if your mood is already built into your style, then when you are having a bad day, your style can help improve your mood.

My Mood

Oh, these pants. Comfortable and yet still fashionable and work appropriate. I managed to snag these amazing Theory pants from Off Fifth. I must admit I was pretty lucky because I still continue to see these pants in stores such as Saks and Bloomingdale’s for full price. Nonetheless, if you can find them on sale, I can assure you these will not disappoint. I paired it with this lace detailed Elie Tahari crisp white button down, which is currently on sale at both Bloomingdale’s and Lord&Taylor to add a bit of softness. I prefer my sleeves to run a little longer as I tend to prefer to cuff my sleeves and, as a cold-blooded human, I want to avoid any chance of the cool winter air flying up my sleeves. To me, the entire look is meant to say “I am professional but still comfortable” and, let’s be frank, we all need to have a go-to comfy, professional look.




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